Ruby on Rails is an open source framework using Ruby language to develop web applications. Associated with an Agile methodology, it allows the very fast development of web application. The major advantage of Ruby on Rails is, therefore, its high productivity. Ruby on Rails fully responds to complex issues, special requests and greatly reduces the development time of web applications, while maintaining a very high quality. Ruby on rails accompanied by Agile project management methods, is the assurance of having an innovative, scalable and efficient website. To go a step further, let’s start with a presentation of the Ruby language, the language on which Ruby on Rails is based.
Ruby, an object-oriented and multi-paradigm language
Ruby on Rails harnesses the qualities of the Ruby language to adapt it to web development. Ruby is an object-oriented programming language, inspired by Smalltalk and Lisp. Object-based programming improves quality, productivity, design, maintenance, and evolution. All these qualities presented by the Ruby language are exploited by Ruby on Rails.
RoR coupled with the multitude of tools, gems, and plug-ins, associated with the strong Rails community, is the ideal web application development tool.
Ruby on Rails, a complete framework
Ruby on Rails is designed on the MVC model. More than any other framework, Ruby on Rails is associated with a philosophy: the pragmatism illustrated by “Convention over configuration”. This makes it an interactive tool and a certain simplicity. Conventions make it possible to avoid thinking about the configuration before proceeding with the development. The configuration will be done as and when the need for development. This does not imply that we cannot configure, on the contrary, we can even configure everything we want. Conventional programming not only eliminates the need for immediate configuration but also reduces the lines of code. The code is structured and has a powerful infrastructure. It’s a radical opposition to other frameworks and that’s what makes it one of the most “beautiful” and readable languages. A need that you will understand, is felt quickly for complex applications, such as a business application or for the recovery of code during the evolution of the application.
It is a framework that encourages good practice through the testing tools that are available and through automation, ie the code generators provided with RoR. Generators allow you to create the code that is often used, so you do not reinvent the wheel every time. Using these generators is a huge time saver and they can make websites even faster.
The Agile method for successful Rails projects
Ruby on Rails is in itself a great tool, it must still be apprehended and nothing beats the experience of the developer to push this framework up to these retrenchments and exploit all these possibilities, whether in configurations, the management of mounted load or security. Experience and tools are important variables for the rapid and complete development of a web application. Managing a project is another important variable. Designing a web application, developing it, maintaining it and making it evolve is a long-term project. Faced with the problems of each project, you must adopt an Agile methodology.
The conception of the Agile methodology is relatively simple: a regular exchange with the customer, a short process station of the tasks in the process (iteration) (which allows the customers/users returns quickly) and to always be interested in the essential functions, pragmatism obliges.
Starting a project with the Agile method involves some experience developing web applications. It is a flexible project management, at each iteration, the application can change in relation to the specifications at the request of the client. The customer has a very important place in this process. Agile projects involve developer responsiveness, which is only allowed with experience and dexterity. The Agile methodology is a disruption of practices and results in a website with high final quality.
The Agile method is particularly good when you already have a few lines of code under your belt and the Web project experience. Each project has a vocation, it is necessary to understand the “business” which is behind the web application. Really, we have to understand why we do this (which is to understand the expectations of customers) and it is only the experience and the iterations that are judged and lead to the final project in record time. So, if you want to discuss more about these methods, give us a message.