The software development industry continues to grow and evolve at a rapid pace. The constant shifts in the industry require good foresight and technical expertise to maneuver effectively and become successful.
Today we have proven that Team Extension has both of those in spades. This is because we have been named as the Top Development Company in Romania for 2021 by Clutch.
For those unfamiliar with their work, Clutch is an online reviews platform that specialize in
serving the B2B industry. They use a unique verification process that allows them to determine
the veracity of the information sent to them. Those that pass the process are published as
reviews that look like this:
They then take the companies with the highest number of high-quality reviews per industry and compile their 2021 list of top performers. The fact that we’ve earned such an award means that we have passed their process with flying colors. This is why our CEO had this to say when we first received the official email from the Clutch team.
“We are absolutely thrilled being named a 2021 Clutch Leader amongst the top B2B software
development companies in Romania”, says Moe Jame – CEO Team Extension.
Everyone at Team Extension would like to thank all of our clients and partners who took the
time to share their experiences with us on Clutch. This award would literally not be possible
without their help.
Are you ready to make something great? Contact us today and we’ll help you stay ahead of the competition