It is well known that AI disrupted most of the industries, retail included. And this is not a bad thing at all. With AI, we can manage customer behaviour and offer an incommensurable experience, tailored on specific needs.
AI helps every business administer a personalized experience. Predicting customer requirements, it helps you meet the customer expectations. AI helps all retailers and even the small one can offer a one to one experience just like the big enterprises do.
Here are four approaches that help you be present along your customer’s journey.
Think outside the box
Surprise your consumers. If the marketing is done right, you have more chances for a long lasting relationship with the clients.
You can’t really predict the customer lifecycle, so the only thing you can do to win them over is to be there at the right point along their journey.
For those who looked at some of your products but didn’t buy anything, you can meet them along the way with a personalized offer.
Recommending products is not new, but AI takes data in consideration and has a clear view on customer behaviour.
Big companies already use machines to learn about their customers and to create amazing experiences for the customers and making them loyal to their brand.
Find out the touchpoints
These days, customers have numerous touchpoints – online and offline. You need to map them all. Ignoring the overview, you will miss the opportunities of sending personalized offers. AI helps businesses be present all the way along the customer’s journey, on every channel, delivering real-time customized offers.
AI helps you follow the customer from the first interaction to the purchase and beyond. Traditionally, you can calculate your customer lifetime value based on its history. But machines can now provide you with a personalized customer lifetime value based on calculated predictions, purchasing behaviour included.
Find out the key steps
You need to be constant. Use all the data and insights you have. Using AI and data, you can easily identify the key steps along your customer’s journey. This means you will send the right message to the right customer on the right channel at the right time. Is it doable? With AI, yes, because it can calculate at which step will the customer more likely make the purchase.
Use chatbots
It happens at some point that customer encounters some struggle in finishing the purchase. If you can have a one to one interaction, everything will go as planned. Using chatbots will stop the trend of sending the same message to all customers. Instead, chatbots will start a one-to-one interaction that will make it all seem more human.
Chatbots work as virtual assistants and at this point are the best illustration for how retailers change the way they see the customer journey. This kind of AI offer real time assistance with no more wrong messages.
Chatbots help retailers all around the world predict the shopping preferences of their customers.
Customer journey is not about what customers do on your platform. It is a insightful tool any retailer can use to increase the customer lifetime value and gain more purchases.
If you want to know more about AI and customer journey, do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can meet all your customers’ expectations!