You are searching for the right Android developer and everyone that applies to your job requirement commits to the claim that he or she is the best. In this article, we will discuss five ways to search and find the pro you want to be your Android mobile developer.
It’s easy to look for a new Android mobile app developer, but it might take time before finding the right one, especially one that can align himself with your way of work and requirements. Here are some tips:
As you already know before reading these words, the Android platform is changing at a fast pace nowadays, sometimes within a few months, rather than years. Because, statistically, more than 50% of the world is using Android apps now, you must be ready for these changes and make the best out of your app development.
1. Check the past work
Your candidate has a history, obviously. Who doesn’t? This history defines his experience and has important pieces of information that should be taken into consideration in your first interview. Because you want the workflow to be efficient, one of the main questions is how much time it takes for him to develop a mobile app. Also, what were the most challenging aspects of a past project. If you want to make an idea of how is the candidate working and what is his time management or under-pressure handling, his past work will help you find these pieces of information. Also, it is fair to ask if the candidate had any involvement or ideas in the development of past projects because creativity is so valued.
2. Deep knowledge of the platform
Nowadays, the demand for Android is increasing constantly. As we said earlier, more than half of the world is using apps developed with Android. If there is a huge demand for developers in this area, the knowledge of the platform is the main value for a candidate. There are many developers out there and some of them can have absolutely no idea what has to be done regarding your app requirements. Since these guys can offer no help on this matter, it is important to have in mind that you must search and find the best app developer there is. You should test their knowledge and qualification to find the right one.
3. Communication
If you want your project to be successful and implemented at the right time, you must know these things depend on how well you communicate with your team. On the Android developer’s part, he or she must understand all that is needed in requirements and how should he or she meet them with the right channels of communication and the right tools for reporting, also the frequency of the reports. You must always know how your feedback for the project is being handled and what is the status of the project, as often as you set it to be. In case of delays, you must know and work closely, to know what should be done about the issue.
4. Testing
You must know that creating the best Android app for your business takes time. Sometimes, this app might not work as expected and should be fixed. This is why “testing” was invented and the Android developer must know and share with you how the testing procedure should happen. You should always look at the most important features: app performance, security, memory usage, usability, language. If there are bugs, he or she should be aware of how will they be handled and fixed in the shortest time possible. The downloading of the app should work flawlessly, the interaction with the content infrastructure must be on point. Any updates or changes or fixes should be tested, to see if the users can accept them on their devices. Everything should be clear in this area because without testing, the app could have major problems and your business will surely suffer from the lack of the quality.
5. Special features
If you want your app to the stand out in the multitude of other apps available today, you must find some way to differentiate it from them. This is where the special features come in, and they should be discussed and included without any hassle in your project. You should ask the candidate developer of these special features, like various language support or social media sharing, different gimmicks that could make the users stick to your app.
And when the time is right, the payment terms should be clear before you settle on the right android developer that should take care of your Android app project. Our tips are just a few guidelines to find what is suitable for you in finding the right person, but the decision must always be yours so you can add as many requirements for a perfect app developer as you want if it helps you and your business.
If you want our help in finding you the right developer for your Android app and other development projects, you should contact us right away.