Are you an entrepreneur? Then the chances are high you feel overwhelmed sometimes. If you’re the kind who wants to know everything that happens…
The Future of Retail: The Amazon Go Example
Amazon Go – you enter the store, you scan your phone, you buy and then you leave. Without a queue or a cashier. Simple…
Why and How to Make Your App Work Offline
So, imagine we have this situation: your payment app cannot finish said payment because the internet broke down and you are left standing. You…
The pros and cons of Concrete5
A lot has changed in the world of web design since the start of the internet. Social media makes the user even more important…
What is React.JS and What It Means for the Future of Your Business
This open source JavaScript library, designed by Facebook, has experienced an almost meteoric rise since its first application in 2011, mainly due to its…
eCommerce in 10 Years from Now
In 10 years from now, this planet will be nothing like you see it today. Technology will lead and it will make our lives…
4 Reasons Why the Chatbots will Revolutionize Your Business
Bots will conquer the online world. If you don’t believe us, look at the big companies and you will see everybody has at least…
Are You Ready to Outsource?
We are talking nowadays about a global market. There is competition like never before and only those companies which plan smart and efficient succeed.…