Python is the most used programming language in Machine Learning, Big Data, and Data Science. In this article, we will enlist everything you need…
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Outsource to Eastern Europe Serie
When Outsourcing Strategies Are Advantageous
If you’re thinking to outsource some of your projects and tasks, there are a few aspects that will indicate you should. Whether you want…
What Is the Mobile App Development Process
Mobile apps are different one from another and that’s what makes most of them really useful. They have different purposes, elaboration, and design. With…
Augmented Reality
AR Ideas for Your Business
AR (Augmented Reality) is the technology which promises the most to the business world, especially to e-commerce businesses. Different than VR (Virtual Reality), AR…
10 Tips for Enterprise Digital Security
Cyber assaults on corporate data frameworks are getting more various and advanced. The results of an interruption can be lamentable and indeed hurt the…
Robotics in Business
Robotics is not a tabu subject anymore. The advanced technology nowadays cut the costs of using robots to improve businesses. Read below how robotics…
Augmented Reality
How is Augmented Reality Working?
In recent years, augmented reality has really emerged and is becoming increasingly important in our daily lives. Thanks to the huge success of Pokemon…
Press Release
A warm welcome to our 2018 summer trainees
Team Extension is delighted to WELCOME OUR 2018 SUMMER TRAINEES! After a competitive recruitment process we are happy to announce that TEN trainees joined…