Cross-platform development is becoming more and more popular since every customer wants their application created quicker and for both iOS and Android. The two…
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Can You Compare ReactJS To React Native?
When talking about ReactJS and React Native, there are several things that should be noted. Even though they share a similar name, they are…
Why You Should Use Flutter for Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
There are several cross-platform frameworks on the market such as React Native and Xamarin, but Flutter is becoming one of the most popular ones.…
5 Types of Apps Perfect for React Native Development
React Native is an open-source framework that can be used for the development of cross-platform apps. Since it is highly beneficial to have only…
Why Kotlin Is a Great Choice for Data Science
Kotlin is a programing language that is readable, concise, and easy to learn. Since it is a JVM language, it provides great performance and…
Why You Should Use Kotlin for Android Development
Although it is the most widely used language for android development, Java is not always the best choice, it is very slow to modernize,…
10 Reasons Why You Should Use Flutter
Flutter is starting a commotion. Developers love it. Flutter, a cross-platform development allows them to build apps in Android and iOS platforms simultaneously so…
Why Kotlin Is a Great Choice for Server-Side Development?
Kotlin is an open-source programming language created by JetBrains. It is open-source and statically typed, and it is used by major tech companies, including…
What Is the Difference Between React JS And React Native?
It is common to confuse React and React Native, especially if you are a beginner. But the difference between the two is quite big…
Differences Between Ruby on Rails and Other Programming Languages and Frameworks
To be able to make a well-informed decision in regards to technology, you need to compare different solutions. Here you can see a comparison between…